How To Migrate To Beta Talk In MTN: Step-by-Step Guide


MTN BetaTalk is one of the most popular prepaid plans offered by MTN Nigeria. With cheap call rates and ample data bundles, it’s an attractive option for many subscribers looking to maximize the value of their airtime. If you’re considering switching over to BetaTalk, this comprehensive guide will walk you through the entire migration process using various methods.

How To Migrate To Beta Talk In MTN


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An Overview of MTN BetaTalk

Before jumping into the step-by-step instructions, let’s first understand what exactly BetaTalk is and its key benefits:

  • Cheap call rates – BetaTalk offers some of the lowest call tariffs in Nigeria. Calls to other MTN numbers are charged at just 11 kobo per second. This can add up to significant savings if you make a lot of on-network calls.
  • Data bundles – With BetaTalk, you get access to a daily data bundle of 100MB valid between 12am – 4am. You also get a free WhatsApp bundle that doesn’t deplete your main data balance.
  • Flexible subscriptions – BetaTalk is a pay-as-you-go plan with flexible bundles. You only pay for exactly what you use without any rigid monthly subscriptions.
  • Other benefits – BetaTalk also offers cheap SMS rates, free calls to certain special numbers, and bonuses on data and airtime usage.

Overall, BetaTalk presents a great value to Nigerian mobile users looking to optimize their airtime and data spend. The flexibility and pricing make it suitable for a wide range of subscriber needs.

Migrating to BetaTalk Using USSD Codes

Perhaps the easiest way to migrate to the MTN BetaTalk plan is using USSD access codes. USSD (Unstructured Supplementary Service Data) codes allow you to access various services quickly right from your phone’s dial pad.

To move to BetaTalk via USSD, you have two options:

Option 1: Dial 1232*1#

  1. Open the phone dialer and enter the code 1232*1#
  2. Press the call button to activate the request.
  3. You will receive a confirmation message indicating a successful migration to the BetaTalk plan.

This code directly migrates your account without any prompts or secondary menus. It’s the most straightforward USSD method to activate BetaTalk.

Option 2: Dial 3102*1#

  1. Dial 3102*1# on your phone
  2. You will see a menu listing different prepaid plan options, including BetaTalk.
  3. Select option 6 for BetaTalk by entering 6#.
  4. Confirm again on the next prompt by pressing 1#.
  5. You will receive a confirmation text that your MTN plan has been changed to BetaTalk.

The second USSD code takes you through a couple of confirmation steps before migrating your line. But it allows you to see all available plan options before selecting BetaTalk.

USSD codes provide a fast and convenient way to switch to BetaTalk directly from your mobile phone. Both options will immediately migrate your existing plan.

Migrating to BetaTalk via SMS

Aside from USSD access codes, you can also activate BetaTalk by sending a simple SMS message from your phone. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

  1. Open up a new text message window on your mobile phone.
  2. Enter the message: BT
  3. Send this text to the shortcode 312
  4. You will receive an SMS response confirming that your MTN plan has been changed to BetaTalk.

The activation is completed within a few seconds of sending the SMS. It’s a very quick and straightforward way to migrate without having to dial any codes.

However, unlike USSD, you don’t get any prompts or options before changing your tariff plan. The SMS will directly activate BetaTalk on your line. Just two simple letters is all you need!

Migrating Through the MyMTN App

MyMTN is the official self-care app from MTN Nigeria that allows you to access a range of account services on-the-go. If you already have the app installed, you can easily switch plans right from within:

  1. Open the MyMTN app on your phone and log into your account
  2. From the main screen, look for the “Tariff” or “My Plan” option and tap on it
  3. This will open up your current plan details. Tap on “Change Plan” or “Other Plans”
  4. You will now see a list of prepaid plans available. Select the “MTN BetaTalk” option.
  5. Carefully review the BetaTalk details and confirm that you want to migrate to this plan.
  6. A confirmation message will indicate that your MTN plan has been changed to BetaTalk.

The MyMTN app provides a user-friendly interface to view plan information and migrate through easy menu options. As long as you have the app downloaded, it’s a convenient way to activate BetaTalk remotely.

Do note that you need to have an active MyMTN login – either via your phone number or email address. The process may also incur data charges depending on your current internet bundles.

Migrating Through the MTN Nigeria Website

For those comfortable using the MTN website, you can also switch mobile plans online via self-service. Just follow these steps:

  1. Open your internet browser and go to the MTN Nigeria website:
  2. Select Login at the top right corner and enter your phone number/email and password
  3. Once logged in, click on your name on the top right below the logout button
  4. From the dropdown menu, click on “My Plan” followed by “Other Plans”
  5. You will see a listing of available plans. Click on the “MTN BetaTalk” option.
  6. Review the details carefully and click Confirm to complete the migration.
  7. You will see a confirmation message that your plan has been changed to BetaTalk.

While slightly more steps compared to the app, the web portal gives you the flexibility to switch plans from any internet-connected device. As long as you have an active MyMTN account, the process is very quick and intuitive.

Just be mindful of data charges when using the mobile site on your phone without Wi-Fi connectivity.

Migrate Using the MTN Chatbot

MTN Nigeria has an AI-powered chatbot named Zigi that lets you complete various tasks through conversational text and menu interfaces. You can chat with Zigi on the MyMTN app or Facebook Messenger.

Here is how to use Zigi to migrate to BetaTalk:

  1. Open the Zigi chat interface on either MyMTN or Facebook Messenger
  2. Start a new conversation by typing “Hi” or “Hello”
  3. Zigi will prompt you to enter your phone number to verify your account
  4. You will receive an OTP via text to confirm your number with Zigi
  5. After verification, type in “Services” and select it from the quick reply buttons
  6. Zigi will display a menu; choose the “Tariff Plan” option
  7. Next, select “Personal” when prompted to choose your account type
  8. You will now see a list of prepaid plans. Choose “BetaTalk”
  9. Carefully review the details Zigi provides and confirm the migration
  10. Zigi will display a confirmation that your plan has been changed to BetaTalk

Zigi makes it easy to switch plans through interactive menus and without having to navigate a complex app or website. The conversational flow is intuitive and guides you through the entire process.

However, you need to take the extra step of registering and verifying your number with Zigi before accessing account services.

Important Notes to Keep in Mind

While migrating to BetaTalk is quite straightforward through any of the above methods, here are some important things to note:

  • Have sufficient airtime balance – Most migration methods will require minimum airtime balance on your line. Top up your account before switching plans to avoid transaction declines.
  • 30-day migration policy – You can only migrate to BetaTalk for free once every 30 days. More frequent plan changes within 30 days will cost ₦102 per migration.
  • Confirm BetaTalk activation – After migrating, dial 3101*2# or *310# to confirm that your plan was successfully changed to BetaTalk.
  • Data charges may apply – Using mobile apps, websites or chatbots could consume your existing data bundles. Use Wi-Fi wherever possible.
  • USSD is instant – USSD migrations take effect immediately. Other methods may take a few hours to reflect changes.
  • Supports prepaid only – BetaTalk migrations only apply to MTN prepaid subscribers. Postpaid accounts require a different process.
  • Renew bundles – Remember to renew your BetaTalk bundles periodically to enjoy uninterrupted benefits. Dial *311# to buy bundles.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some frequently asked questions on migrating to MTN BetaTalk in Nigeria:

What happens to my current airtime and data balance when I migrate?

Your airtime balance remains unchanged when you move to BetaTalk. However, any unused data gets forfeited. It’s best to consume data bundles before switching plans to avoid losing the balance.

Can I migrate back to my old plan from BetaTalk?

Yes, you can migrate back to your previous plan within 30 days using the USSD code 3120#. After 30 days, the old plan gets permanently deactivated.

What is the minimum airtime needed to migrate to BetaTalk?

Most migration methods require you to have a minimum airtime balance ranging from ₦20 to ₦100. Insufficient airtime will lead to transaction decline.

Will I get prorated refunds if I switch plans mid-cycle?

No, you don’t get any refunds for partially used plans when you migrate between monthly prepaid plans. All remaining balances get forfeited.

Can I subscribe to BetaTalk bundles on my current tariff plan?

Unfortunately, BetaTalk bundles are only accessible on the BetaTalk plan. You have to completely migrate as other plans don’t support BetaTalk add-ons.

How soon after migrating will my BetaTalk bundles be activated?

In most cases, your new bundles are instantly activated. However, it may take up to 24 hours for some migration methods. Check your account details to confirm.

What is the validity of the free 100MB BetaTalk bundle?

The free 100MB data is valid between 12am and 4am daily. Any unused data gets forfeited at the end of the validity period. You cannot roll over unused data.

Can I use the free WhatsApp bundle offer on other instant messaging apps?

No, the unlimited WhatsApp bundle is only valid for WhatsApp messaging. Using other chat apps like Facebook Messenger will consume your main data.


Migrating to MTN BetaTalk is a straightforward process using USSD codes, SMS, mobile apps, websites or chatbots. Each method has its own pros and cons. Be sure to follow the step-by-step instructions carefully to avoid migration issues. Check your account status after switching over to confirm plan changes.

With its cheap call and data rates, BetaTalk offers great value if you want to stretch your airtime further. The bundled resources and flexibility of the plan make it suitable for diverse usage needs. Switch over today to start enjoying all the benefits and take your MTN experience to the next level!


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