What is the Momo agent USSD code?

Key MTN MoMo USSD Codes for Agents and Customers in Nigeria

USSD codes provide a convenient way for MTN MoMo agents and general customers to access mobile money services quickly using any type of mobile phone. This comprehensive guide covers the major MTN MoMo USSD codes available in Nigeria and their usage.

What is the Momo agent USSD code?


How to Find an MTN MoMo Agent Near You

How to Borrow Money from MoMo Agent

How to Get an MTN MoMo Agent POS Device: A Step-by-Step Guide

How to Register as an MTN MoMo Agent in Nigeria: A Step-by-Step Guide

How to Fund Your MTN MoMo Agent Wallet in Nigeria: A Detailed Guide

What is USSD?

USSD stands for Unstructured Supplementary Service Data. It is a protocol used by GSM cell phones to communicate with a mobile network operator’s computers.

USSD codes provide a menu-based interface to initiate various services without needing mobile data or an internet connection. Customers enter codes and respond to prompt messages to activate services.

Overview of MTN MoMo

Launched in 2019, MTN MoMo enables Nigerians to complete financial transactions, store funds, borrow, and more directly through their mobile device without requiring a traditional bank account.

It leverages an extensive network of agents who facilitate essential cash-in and cash-out services nationwide and earn commissions on transactions performed using their registered Till numbers.

Key features available via USSD include:

  • Send and receive money domestically
  • Pay bills
  • Buy airtime top up
  • Check account balances
  • Find agent locations
  • Access microloans
  • Link bank accounts

With over 9 million active users in 2021, MoMo adoption continues rising rapidly in Nigeria.

Common USSD Codes

The main MTN MoMo USSD codes include:

*502# – MoMo Agent Menu

This is the primary code used by authorized MoMo agents to access the agent menu and manage transactions. Allows agents to:

  • Check wallet balance
  • Process deposits and withdrawals
  • Review statement summaries
  • Change PIN
  • Transfer funds
  • Enable services like loans and insurance

*223# – Find an Agent

Customers use this to locate nearby MTN MoMo agents for cash-in/cash-out services. Provides options to search by proximity to current location or specify an address.

*671# – Customer Services

General customers can access the main MoMo menu, check balance, buy airtime, pay bills and more. Provides customer support options.

*502# – Agent Registration

In addition to the agent menu, this code allows individual users to self-register as MTN MoMo agents via their mobile phones. Quickly initiates agent onboarding.

Services Available Through USSD Codes

USSD enables accessing the following key MTN MoMo services:

For Customers

  • Send money to another MoMo user
  • Buy airtime top up
  • Pay bills (DStv, PHCN, Smile)
  • Receive money from another MoMo user
  • Check account balance
  • Change PIN
  • Find nearest agent location

For Agents

  • Check agent wallet balance
  • Process cash in/cash out
  • Account statement
  • Float management
  • Change PIN
  • Transfer funds
  • Enable microloans
  • Activate overdraft
  • View commission payments

USSD provides a fast, convenient way to tap into MTN MoMo even without mobile data or the MoMo app installed.

Step-by-Step: Common USSD Usage Examples

Let’s look at some step-by-step examples of using the major MTN MoMo USSD codes:

Check MoMo Customer Balance

  1. On your mobile phone, enter *671#
  2. Select option 3 for My Account
  3. Choose option 1 to Check Balance
  4. View balance details on screen

Pay DStv Bill via MoMo

  1. Dial *671#
  2. Select option 4 – Pay Bills
  3. Choose DStv as biller
  4. Input your DStv smart card number
  5. Enter amount to pay
  6. Confirm details and complete payment

Withdraw Cash as MoMo Agent

  1. Dial *502# to access agent menu
  2. Select option 2 – Cash Out
  3. Input recipient phone number
  4. Enter amount to withdraw
  5. Follow prompts and provide PIN to authorize
  6. Payment receipt will be sent via SMS

Locate Nearby MoMo Agents

  1. Dial *223#
  2. Choose option 1 – Find Agents Near Me
  3. Select option 1 again for agents closest to your location
  4. List of nearby agents will be displayed with directions

Benefits of Using USSD

Key benefits of leveraging USSD codes include:

Ease of Use

USSD menus provide simple prompts making usage straightforward.

Works on All Phones

Being network-based, USSD works on any cellphone unlike apps that require smartphones.

No Internet Needed

USSD uses the normal GSM network so no mobile data or WiFi is required.


PIN-protected authentication keeps USSD transactions secure.


USSD provides real-time communication with the network for instant usage.


Customers and agents can access services from anywhere within the mobile network.

With these benefits, USSD offers an inclusive option for using MTN MoMo.

Limitations of USSD

Despite its advantages, USSD does have some limitations including:

  • Session timeouts – USSD sessions expire after periods of inactivity
  • Text-only interface – Does not have the rich capabilities of a smartphone app
  • Limited characters – Messages are confined due to SMS restrictions
  • Language support – USSD menus are typically only available in English
  • Fee charges – Networks impose fees for USSD sessions

Troubleshooting Tips

If you encounter issues using MTN MoMo USSD codes, try the following troubleshooting tips:

  • Check your phone has active cellular signal and calling capability. Move locations if no signal.
  • Confirm you are entering the proper code without typos or mistakes.
  • Complete the steps without long pauses, as USSD times out after periods of inactivity.
  • Retry entering the full code again if interrupted or if you encountered an error.
  • Restart your mobile phone and try again, in case of device issues.
  • Contact MTN customer support if an issue persists for help troubleshooting.


In summary, USSD provides an instant, accessible way for MTN MoMo agents and general customers to use mobile money capabilities without mobile data or an app. Codes like *502# and *223# enable vital functionalities from checking balances to agent cash-outs.

Understanding the major USSD codes and menus allows quicker, easier access on any cellphone when conducting transactions on the go. With Nigeria’s accelerating adoption of mobile money, leveraging USSD saves time and provides more Nigerians with financial access.



Is USSD free to use on MTN?

No, MTN typically charges around 30 Naira per USSD session. Some banks may cover costs for their customers.

Can I perform all the same functions via USSD as using the app?

Major capabilities are available via USSD, but some advanced app features may not be present in the USSD menus.

How secure are transactions via USSD?

USSD is secure, leveraging PIN authentication. But be extra cautious not to share PINs. Apps can offer additional security layers.

Where can I find the full list of MTN MoMo USSD codes?

You can contact MTN customer support or check their website for a complete list of current USSD short codes and services.

Do I need to register before using USSD?

For general customer services, you can use USSD immediately with basic registration. But agents need approval before accessing the *502# menu.

Are USSD codes the same across all mobile networks?

No, MTN MoMo USSD codes only work on the MTN network. Other operators like Airtel, Glo and 9Mobile have their own codes.


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