The JAMB Examination Slip: A Comprehensive Guide
The Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board (JAMB) examination slip is a very important document that every candidate must have in their possession before being allowed to sit for the Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME). This slip contains vital information such as the candidate’s registration number, name, chosen exam center, date of birth, exam date, and time. It serves as an identification document and authorization for candidates to partake in the examination. As such, candidates are advised to treat this document with utmost care and importance.

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What is the JAMB Examination Slip?
The JAMB examination slip, also known as the JAMB print out, is a document issued by the examination body, JAMB, to candidates who have successfully registered for the UTME. It contains important details about the candidate and their exam schedule. This slip serves as an identification document as well as permission for candidates to sit for the exam at their chosen exam center.
Some key information contained on the JAMB examination slip includes:
- Candidate’s full name
- Registration number
- Date of birth
- Gender
- Exam date
- Exam time
- Name of exam center
- Candidate’s passport photograph
- JAMB logo
Importance of the JAMB Examination Slip
The JAMB slip is an extremely important document that every candidate must have in their possession on the exam day. Here are some key reasons why this slip is indispensable:
1. Identification and Authorization
The slip bears the candidate’s name, registration number, photograph and other personal details which exam officials use to identify and verify candidates. Without this slip, candidates will neither be identified nor allowed to sit for the exam.
2. Determines Exam Center
The slip clearly indicates the exam center that candidates are to report to. Candidates are only authorized to take the exam at the center stated on their slip and not any other center.
3. Shows Exam Date and Time
The JAMB slip displays the date, session and time of exam for each candidate. This enables candidates know exactly when they are expected to be present at the exam venue.
4. Avoids Exam Clashes
The detailed schedule on each candidate’s slip helps to avoid a clash of exam dates and times for candidates who registered for more than one UTME subject.
5. Guarantees Entry to Exam Hall
Presenting the JAMB slip is the only way candidates can gain entry to the exam hall on the exam day. No slip means denial of entry.
Clearly, the JAMB examination slip is an indispensable requirement for sitting the UTME. Candidates are therefore advised to safely keep theirs intact and never forget to carry it on the exam day.
When to Print JAMB Examination Slip
To avoid any issues, it is advisable for every candidate to print their exam slip as soon as JAMB releases it. This is usually about 2 to 3 weeks before the scheduled exam dates. Printing early gives candidates ample time to correct any errors on the slip and also reduces last minute rush and anxiety.
Here is a useful timeline to guide candidates:
- At least 3 weeks before exam – Print slip after JAMB releases it to avoid mistakes and correct them on time if any. Also memorize exam details.
- 1 week before exam – Print again as a reminder and also make photocopies as back up.
- Exam day – Go along with printout to exam center.
Candidates are advised against waiting till the last few days before the exam to print as this heightens the risk of forgetting, losing, damaging or even misplacing the slip. Printing early eliminates unnecessary tension.
How to Print JAMB Examination Slip
Candidates can easily access and print the JAMB examination slip either online or by visiting any JAMB office nationwide.
Online Method
To print your JAMB slip online, simply follow these steps:
- Visit JAMB Portal – Go to the official JAMB website – using your internet browser.
- Login to Profile – Key in your JAMB registration number and password to login to your dashboard.
- Select ‘Print Slip’ – Locate and select the ‘Print Examination Slip’ option. This will open the printing page.
- Input Details – Key in your registration number and either your email address or phone number that was used during registration.
- Print Slip – Your examination slip will show onscreen. Click print and collect the printout.
The online option allows candidates prints their slips anywhere and at any time provided there is internet access. However, candidates are advised to use a printer in order to get a clean, clear printout.
JAMB Office Method
Candidates can also visit any JAMB state office nationwide in order to collect a printout of their examination slips. You simply need to:
- Go to a nearby JAMB office
- Meet the front desk officer
- Provide your registration number
- Pay a token fee (usually 200 naira)
- Your printout will be generated and handed to you
While this option allows candidates obtain their slips without internet, it however involves visiting the JAMB office in person during working hours. Also, printing fees may apply.
Whichever method candidates choose to print their slips, it is advisable to do so on time, keep copies safely and go along with the slip on exam day.
Common Errors on JAMB Examination Slip
Candidates are advised to promptly check their slips for errors as soon as it is printed. Some common mistakes include:
- Wrong exam date
- Typographical errors in name
- Wrong gender
- Mistakes in photograph
- Wrong exam town/center
- Wrong course/institution
- Errors in date of birth
Candidates should thoroughly scrutinize every detail on the slip and ensure they correspond with the information supplied during registration. Any disparity observed should be promptly reported to JAMB for correction via their email, live chat or nearest office.
Correcting errors on time prevents candidates from being denied entry during accreditation. JAMB usually opens a window where corrections can be effected free of charge once slips are released. Candidates are advised to take advantage of this window.
What to do if you Lose your JAMB Examination Slip
Losing the JAMB slip can happen unexpectedly to any candidate. However, there are options available to get a replacement as explained below:
Online Reprint Option
JAMB allows candidates reprint their examination slip by:
- Visiting JAMB portal and logging into profile with registration details
- Selecting ‘Print Examination Slip’ option
- Making online payment of 500 naira reprinting fee
- Entering email address and phone number
- Printing the examination slip after generation
With this, candidates can easily replace their lost slips from anywhere there is internet access.
JAMB Office
Candidates can also visit any JAMB office to:
- Report the loss of slip
- Make payment for reprinting
- Get slip reprinted over the counter
- Collect the examination slip
The downsides are having to visit JAMB office in-person during working hours and paying the reprinting fee. Nevertheless, it allows quick replacement of lost slip.
On the exam day itself, candidates who report at the CBT center without their slip due to losing it can request for assistance from the center administrator or supervisor. This will involve verification of credentials, making payment (usually 500 naira) before a reprint can be done and slip issued to allow access into the exam hall.
Candidates are therefore advised to explore any of these options if their slip gets missing unexpectedly. However, prevention is better – slips should be safely kept to avoid the hassle of reprinting close to the exam.
Offences and Penalties for Exam Malpractice
JAMB takes the integrity and credibility of its examinations very seriously. Candidates found guilty of committing any form of malpractice face various penalties based on the offence and frequency. According to the JAMB examination syllabus, here are key offences and their consequences:
Use of Unauthorized Items
Being in possession of unauthorized items like prepared notes, textbooks, electronic devices, jewelry etc during the exam.
Penalty: Cancellation of results + Banning for 1 year
Colluding or Exchanging Answers
Colluding with fellow candidates through conversation, signs, exchange of materials/answers.
Penalty: Cancellation of results + Banning for 1 year
Sending someone else to sit and take the exam on a candidate’s behalf.
Penalty: Cancellation of result + Banning for 3 years + Legal Prosecution
Attempt to Cheat
Any attempt to access prohibited items like prepared notes, textbooks etc during the exam even if unused.
Penalty: Cancellation of result + Banning for 1 year
The full list of offences and penalties can be found in the JAMB Brochure for UTME and Direct Entry candidates. Offenders also risk prosecution in court, candidates are therefore advised to adhere strictly to the code of conduct and rules guiding the conduct of the examination.
Frequently Asked Questions about JAMB Examination Slip
Here are answers to some common questions candidates ask about the JAMB examination slip:
What details are contained on the JAMB slip?
The JAMB slip contains a candidate’s name, registration number, exam center, date of birth, exam date, time, and passport photograph.
Can I print my slip in black and white?
While JAMB recommends colored printouts, black and white copies are also acceptable provided all details are clearly legible.
My slip has a wrong date, what should I do?
Promptly inform JAMB and ensure it is corrected before the exam because the slip date determines when you can sit for the exam.
I lost my slip, how can I get it reprinted?
You can reprint your slip either online via the JAMB portal, by visiting JAMB office directly or at the CBT center on exam day. Reprint fees apply.
Is it possible to change my exam center on the slip?
No, you cannot change your center yourself. You have to inform JAMB to help effect the change if necessary.
Can someone else print the slip on my behalf?
Yes, as long as the person has your registration details. However, it is best you print personally to avoid errors.
Is it compulsory I print the slip colored?
No. You can print in black and white, but ensure the details are very clear and legible.
On exam day, can I use photocopy of my slip?
Photocopies are acceptable as long as they bear your true credentials and passport photograph. But endeavor to also go with the original.
What do I do if my photo or name on the slip is wrong?
Notify JAMB immediately for correction. Wrong details on your slip can prevent access into exam hall.
The JAMB examination slip is a vital requirement for every candidate preparing to sit for the UTME exams. It confers legitimacy and serves as your passport into the exam hall on the appointed date. Candidates are therefore advised to print their slips as soon as it is released by JAMB and carefully review all the details contained therein. Mistakes should be promptly reported for correction within the window period. Furthermore, caution must be exercised in keeping the slip intact and safe against damage, loss or theft. On the exam day, candidates must make sure they have this all-important document with them as that guarantees their access to write the exam. With adequate preparation and care, candidates can have a smooth and successful UTME experience.