Nollywood actress Funke Akindele recently got people talking online after a video clip of her begging her fans to help her win her nomination at the AMVCA went viral In the trending clip, Funke, with a funny comment using Davido’s viral song Unavailable, said she was available for the award of the best actress Ironically, of all the accolades the Jenifa actress has bagged over the years in the movie industry, the AMVCA Best Actress has eluded her.
Other Nollywood actresses in the same category vying for the AMVCA’s gong as Africa’s best Actress include Bimbo Ademoye, Ini Edo, Osas Ighodaro, Queen Nwokoye, Ini-Dima Okojie and Scarlett Gomez.
Battle On Buka gets 10 nominations at AMVCA Meanwhile, Funke’s Battle On Buka was one of the most nominated movies for this year’s AMVCA awards, with 10 nominations, just two short of Jade Osiberu’s 12. While her TV series, My Siblings and I, got one nomination. click here to see more about Battle On Buka:
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