Federal University, Dutse, School Fees For All Courses



The Federal University, Dutse (FUD), have released their school fee structure for the 2022/2023 academic session and it is worthy of note that FUD Fees are quite affordable.

When it comes to pursuing higher education, one of the foremost considerations for both students and their families is the cost involved.

In this comprehensive guide, I will delve into the details of the school fees, examining what fresh students and returning students can expect to pay, along with the breakdown of these charges.

It’s essential to note that these fees are subject to change, so it is always advisable to check the university’s official website for the latest updates before making any payments.

Federal Univeristy Dutse  School Fees

Federal University, Dutse School Fees

Here is the information summarized in tabular form:

Fee CategoryAmount (Naira)
Tuition Fee40,000
Examination Fee5,000
Library Fee2,000
ICT Fee1,500
Health Fee1,000
Development Fee1,000
Other Charges1,500
Total Fees for Fresh Students114,000
Returning Students
Returning Student (Non-Final Year)79,000
Returning Student (Final Year)84,000
Additional Fees
Accommodation Fee (Hostel)100,000
Meal Fee (3 meals per day)30,000
Transport Fee (academic session)10,000
Total CostApproximately
Fresh Students200,000
Returning Students160,000
Federal Univeristy Dustse School Fees for all Courses

Please note that these fees are subject to change and can vary based on your student status (fresh or returning).

The total cost for fresh students is approximately 200,000 Naira, while returning students pay approximately 160,000 Naira.

These figures are estimates and may be subject to revisions.

Federal University, Dutse, School Fees for Fresh Students

For fresh students at Federal University, Dutse in the 2022/2023 academic session, the total fees amount to 114,000 Naira.

Let’s break down this cost:

Tuition Fee – 40,000 Naira

The tuition fee constitutes a significant part of the overall cost.

It covers the expenses related to academic instruction and the resources provided by the university to facilitate the learning process.

Examination Fee – 5,000 Naira

This fee is allocated to the conduct of examinations, including the preparation, invigilation, and grading processes.

It ensures that students have a fair and organized assessment system in place.

Library Fee – 2,000 Naira

The library fee is directed towards maintaining the university’s library resources.

It ensures that students have access to a wide range of academic materials, both in print and electronic formats.

ICT Fee – 1,500 Naira

With the increasing integration of technology in education, the ICT fee supports the maintenance and improvement of the university’s information and communication technology infrastructure.

Health Fee – 1,000 Naira

Health is a priority, and this fee contributes to the provision of healthcare services and facilities on campus, ensuring the well-being of students.

Development Fee – 1,000 Naira

The development fee is an investment in the continuous growth and enhancement of the university’s facilities and infrastructure.

Other Charges – 1,500 Naira

These miscellaneous charges cover various university services and facilities that benefit students throughout their academic journey.

Federal University Dutse, School Fees for Returning Students

Returning students at Federal University Dutse are divided into two categories concerning their fees for the 2022/2023 academic session:

Returning Student (Non-Final Year) – 79,000 Naira

Students who are not in their final year are required to pay a total of 79,000 Naira.

Returning Student (Final Year) – 84,000 Naira

Final year students, on the other hand, have a slightly higher fee of 84,000 Naira.

Federal University, Dutse, Additional Fees

In addition to the tuition and associated charges, students must also consider the following expenses:

Accommodation Fee – 100,000 Naira (for hostel accommodation)

For students who opt for hostel accommodation on campus, there is an additional fee of 100,000 Naira. This fee covers the cost of staying in university-provided housing.

Meal Fee – 30,000 Naira (for 3 meals per day)

Students that choose to avail themselves of the university’s meal plan are required to pay 30,000 Naira for three meals per day throughout the academic session.

Transport Fee – 10,000 Naira (for the academic session)

The transport fee facilitates transportation services on campus, ensuring that students can move conveniently within the university premises.

Total Cost of Studying in Federal University Dutse

In summary, the total cost of studying at the Federal University, Dutse, for the 2022/2023 academic session can vary based on your student status:

  • Fresh Students: Approximately 200,000 Naira
  • Returning Students: Approximately 160,000 Naira

Please keep in mind that these figures are estimates and may vary depending on individual preferences and choices.


Understanding the cost of education is crucial for students and their families when planning for the academic journey.

FUD’s fee structure for the 2022/2023 academic session provides transparency regarding the expenses involved in pursuing a degree at this institution.

Remember to check the official university website for the most up-to-date fee information.

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