Admiralty University Ibusa, School Fees For All Courses


Understanding the cost of education is paramount, and at Admiralty University Ibusa, transparency in fee structures is a priority.

In this post, I will be discussing the topic, Admiralty University Ibusa School Fees.

Here’s a straightforward table detailing the school fees for various courses and additional charges for the upcoming academic session.

Before I get into the details of Admiralty University Ibusa School Fees, it’s important to note that Inschoolboard is the go-to website for finding schools near me.

Admiralty University Ibusa, School Fees For All Courses
Admiralty University Ibusa, School Fees For All Courses

Table of Contents

Admiralty University Ibusa, School Fees For All Courses

When embarking on the academic journey, one crucial aspect that demands attention is the financial commitment, especially when considering institutions like the Admiralty University Ibusa.

Here is a detailed rundown of the school fees at Admirality University.

Understanding Faculty-Specific Fees

Faculty of Arts, Management, and Social Sciences

1. B.Sc. Accounting: ₦560,000

2. B.Sc. Business Administration: ₦560,000

3. B.Sc. Economics: ₦560,000

4. B.A. English and Literary Studies: ₦560,000

5. B.A. History and International Studies: ₦560,000

6. B.Sc. Hospitality and Tourism Studies: ₦560,000

7. B.Sc. International Relations: ₦560,000

Faculty of Science

8. B.Sc. Applied Physics and Renewable Energy: ₦560,000

9. B.Sc. Chemistry: ₦560,000

10. B.Sc. Computer Science: ₦560,000

11. B.Sc. Conservation and Environmental Biology: ₦560,000

12. B.Sc. Cyber Security Science: ₦560,000

13. B.Sc. Industrial Mathematics: ₦560,000

14. B.Sc. Software Engineering: ₦560,000

Faculty of Law

15. LL.B. Law: ₦560,000

Additional Charges

Apart from tuition fees, students should be aware of additional charges:

  • Medical Insurance: ₦30,000
  • Matriculation Gown (Rental): ₦10,000
  • Student Activities: ₦20,000
  • E-Book & Technology: ₦10,000
  • Hostel Maintenance: ₦10,000
  • Caution Fee: ₦10,000
  • Examination: ₦10,000

Accommodation Costs

Accommodation is a vital consideration, with a fee of ₦100,000 for all students.

Calculating the Total School Fees

New Students:

  • Tuition Fees: ₦560,000
  • Other Charges: ₦200,000
  • Accommodation: ₦100,000
  • Total: ₦860,000

Returning Students:

  • Tuition Fees: ₦560,000
  • Other Charges: ₦180,000
  • Accommodation: ₦100,000
  • Total: ₦840,000

Meeting Payment Obligations

To secure a spot at the university, students are required to pay a minimum of 60% of their annual school fees before admission.

The remaining 40% should be settled within two months after resumption.

FacultyCourseTuition FeesOther ChargesAccommodationTotal Fees
Faculty of Arts, Management, and Social SciencesB.Sc. Accounting₦560,000₦200,000₦100,000₦860,000
B.Sc. Business Administration₦560,000₦200,000₦100,000₦860,000
B.Sc. Economics₦560,000₦200,000₦100,000₦860,000
B.A. English and Literary Studies₦560,000₦200,000₦100,000₦860,000
B.A. History and International Studies₦560,000₦200,000₦100,000₦860,000
B.Sc. Hospitality and Tourism Studies₦560,000₦200,000₦100,000₦860,000
B.Sc. International Relations₦560,000₦200,000₦100,000₦860,000
Faculty of ScienceB.Sc. Applied Physics and Renewable Energy₦560,000₦200,000₦100,000₦860,000
B.Sc. Chemistry₦560,000₦200,000₦100,000₦860,000
B.Sc. Computer Science₦560,000₦200,000₦100,000₦860,000
B.Sc. Conservation and Environmental Biology₦560,000₦200,000₦100,000₦860,000
B.Sc. Cyber Security Science₦560,000₦200,000₦100,000₦860,000
B.Sc. Industrial Mathematics₦560,000₦200,000₦100,000₦860,000
B.Sc. Software Engineering₦560,000₦200,000₦100,000₦860,000
Faculty of LawLL.B. Law₦560,000₦200,000₦100,000₦860,000
Additional ChargesMedical Insurance₦30,000₦30,000
Matriculation Gown (Rental)₦10,000₦10,000
Student Activities₦20,000₦20,000
E-Book & Technology₦10,000₦10,000
Hostel Maintenance₦10,000₦10,000
Caution Fee₦10,000₦10,000
Admiralty University Ibusa, School Fees For All Courses

Understanding these fees and adhering to the payment schedule ensures a smooth academic journey at Admiralty University Ibusa.

Plan ahead, meet your obligations, and focus on your education without financial stress.

Is Admiralty a Navy university?

Admiralty University Ibusa, a unique institution with a distinctive ownership that sets it apart.

Established with a commitment to excellence, this university is proudly owned by the Nigerian Navy.

Nurturing Minds with Naval Values

Founded on the principles of discipline, integrity, and service, Admiralty University Ibusa is an embodiment of the values ingrained in the Nigerian Navy.

As the owner of the university, the Nigerian Navy brings its legacy of dedication and precision to the realm of education, shaping not just students’ minds but instilling a sense of responsibility and commitment.

Unveiling the Naval Connection

The connection between Admiralty University Ibusa and the Nigerian Navy goes beyond ownership.

It reflects a synergy between the maritime force’s commitment to national security and its dedication to contributing to the intellectual capital of the nation.

This unique ownership adds a layer of purpose to the academic journey, emphasizing not just academic excellence but also a sense of duty and patriotism.

Ultra-Modern Facilities with a Naval Touch

The influence of the Nigerian Navy is not just evident in ownership; it extends to the infrastructure.

Admiralty University Ibusa boasts ultra-modern facilities that reflect the precision and sophistication synonymous with the naval force.

From cutting-edge laboratories to modern classrooms, students experience an environment designed to nurture their intellectual growth and practical skills.

Naval Leadership in Education

The involvement of the Nigerian Navy in the administration of Admiralty University Ibusa brings a distinct leadership style.

The institution benefits from the organizational prowess and strategic thinking ingrained in the naval culture, ensuring a well-structured academic environment that prepares students for the challenges beyond the classroom.

Beyond Education: A Naval Community

Being part of Admiralty University Ibusa means more than just attending classes; it means becoming part of a naval community.

Students have the unique opportunity to interact with naval personnel, gaining insights into leadership, discipline, and the values that have safeguarded Nigeria’s waters.

What Are The Admission Requirements for Admiralty University?

Embarking on a higher education journey at Admiralty University in Nigeria is a significant step, and understanding the admission requirements is crucial for a seamless application process.

Whether aspiring for admission through UTME (100 Level) or Direct Entry (200 Level), here are the prerequisites:

Admission by UTME (100 Level)

  1. Academic Qualifications:
    • Candidates must possess five (5) credits at SSCE (or equivalent) in relevant subjects, achieved at not more than two (2) sittings.
    • The credits must include passes in English and Mathematics.
  2. UTME Requirements:
    • Candidates must attain acceptable points in UTME (Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board) in relevant subjects.

Admission by Direct Entry (200 Level)

  1. Academic Qualifications:
    • Candidates must have five (5) SSCE credits.
    • Obtain at least two (2) A’ level (or its equivalent) passes in relevant subjects.
    • Possess ND with credit passes.
    • Possess a good first degree in another field as applicable.
  2. Screening and Interview:
    • Candidates must meet the preliminary requirements for admission.
    • Undergo a screening (including/or) interview exercise conducted by the University.

Additional Requirements

  1. Age Requirement:
    • All applicants must have attained 16 years of age.
  2. JAMB Requirement:
    • All admissions must be through the Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board (JAMB).
  3. Choice of Institution:
    • Candidates must choose Admiralty University as their first choice of institution during the JAMB registration process.

Faculty-Specific Requirements

In addition to the general admission requirements, candidates must meet faculty-specific criteria.

For instance, candidates applying to the Faculty of Science must have credit passes in Mathematics, Physics, and Chemistry at the SSCE level.

Exploring Further Information

Aspiring students are encouraged to check up the specific requirements for each faculty and department on the Admiralty University website.

This ensures that candidates are well-informed and adequately prepared for the academic journey that lies ahead.

Meeting the admission requirements is the first step towards joining the esteemed Admiralty University community.

Aspiring students are advised to meticulously adhere to the stipulated criteria, fostering a smooth and successful application process.

By understanding the prerequisites and aligning with the university’s standards, candidates can embark on a transformative educational experience at Admiralty University in Nigeria.

Does Admiralty University offer Law?

Embarking on a legal education journey is a significant decision, and Admiralty University stands out as a beacon for aspiring lawyers.

The university proudly offers a 5-year LL.B. program, accredited by both the National Universities Commission (NUC) and the Council of Legal Education (CLE).

Navigating the LL.B. Program


The LL.B. program at Admiralty University spans five years, providing a comprehensive and immersive legal education experience.

This duration allows students to study deep into the intricacies of the law, ensuring a well-rounded and thorough understanding of legal principles.


Admiralty University’s LL.B. program holds accreditation from two prestigious bodies:

  1. National Universities Commission (NUC):
    • The program aligns with the standards set by the NUC, ensuring its quality and relevance in the national educational landscape.
  2. Council of Legal Education (CLE):
    • Accreditation from the CLE attests to the program’s adherence to the highest standards of legal education. This recognition is crucial for students aspiring to practice law in Nigeria.

Key Features of the LL.B. Program

Holistic Legal Education:

The LL.B. program at Admiralty University goes beyond traditional legal education.

It emphasizes a holistic approach, integrating theoretical knowledge with practical insights.

Students engage in moot court sessions, legal clinics, and internships, preparing them for the dynamic legal landscape.

Expert Faculty:

The success of any legal program hinges on the expertise of its faculty.

Admiralty University boasts a team of seasoned legal professionals and educators.

These mentors bring a wealth of experience to the classroom, guiding students on their journey to becoming proficient legal practitioners.

Modern Legal Facilities:

Studying law requires access to modern and well-equipped facilities.

Admiralty University invests in state-of-the-art libraries, legal research centers, and moot courtrooms.

These facilities enrich the learning experience, providing students with the resources they need to excel in their studies.

Career Pathways for LL.B. Graduates

Admiralty University’s LL.B. graduates are well-equipped for diverse legal career pathways, including:

  • Legal Practice: Becoming practicing lawyers in various fields of law.
  • Corporate Counsel: Providing legal guidance within corporate entities.
  • Public Service: Serving in government legal departments or agencies.
  • Non-Profit Organizations: Contributing legal expertise to charitable and advocacy organizations.

Setting Sail for Legal Success

Admiralty University’s LL.B. program offers a voyage into legal excellence.

With accreditation from both the NUC and the CLE, a holistic approach to legal education, and a commitment to nurturing future legal professionals, the university stands as a distinguished institution for those aspiring to make a mark in the legal realm.

Aspiring lawyers can trust Admiralty University to anchor their legal education and set sail for a successful career in law.

Admiralty University Ibusa School Fees


In conclusion, understanding the financial aspects of your academic pursuit is crucial for a seamless experience at Admiralty University Ibusa.

By adhering to the outlined payment schedule and utilizing the provided payment methods, students can focus on their studies without unnecessary financial stress.

Planning and meeting these obligations promptly contribute to a successful academic journey.

If you’re considering Admiralty University Ibusa, you’re not just investing in education but in a holistic and enriching experience.


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