5 Best AI Trading Platforms for your Crypto Trading


Right in this article, I’m going to be providing you with the best AI trading platforms that’ll help you trade on crypto.

It’s no longer news that crypto trading has gone popular these days, and growing more consistently with lots of people willing to be involved in the trading line. Although there’s a risk involved, it’s been quite profitable.

Nowadays, computer-based robots can now do the trading for you while you make your profit. All you just need is to invest, sit and relax.

AI trading platforms help to broker deals of crypto for other assets including digital and fiat currencies, acting as intermediaries between buyers and sellers of crypto.

With different top crypto trading platforms out there, you’re surely guided through your crypto investments. You’ll be offered the necessary guidelines and tools so you can buy and sell digital currencies.

Currently, there’s a high level of influx of people into crypto trading. Even those that don’t know how to trade will surely declare an interest, and go as far as make payment to be nurtured on how to trade.

With any of the AI trading platforms, you don’t need to pass through that test before you start earning from crypto. As long as you have the funds to invest, you can easily do so and make your profits while you attend to your other activities.

Now, let me introduce to you my five best AI trading platforms based on features, user interface, and security…

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The Best AI Trading Platforms are as Follows


Tickeron is one of the best AI trading platforms out there which provides a wide range of trading options for investors. There are interesting features that come with this platform, and the notable one is making use of what is called “AI Trend Forecasting”.

This feature makes use of historical price data to forecast/predict digital market trends, which will enable you to view the odds or probability of success in each predicted trend.

If you still wish, you can decide to set/customize your confidence levels which will enable you to use more robust techniques.

Trade Ideas

Another cool AI trading platform out there is Trade Ideas. It’s been in the market since 2003, and it continues to improve with good trading software technology and talented developers.

It makes use of different investment algorithms to ensure that users enjoy secure and well-improved trading.

If you’re starting as a crypto trader, you have nothing to worry about as Trade Ideas offers beginners training to enhance the knowledge of new users in the game.

For experts who have been in the game, you’ll have a chance of customizing your trading strategies with the help of AI to help you facilitate your investments effectively.

There’s a key feature on Trade Ideas which is known as “Full Quote Windows”. With this feature, you can easily understand the prices of stock and other layouts.


TrendSpider also makes my list as one of the best AI trading platforms out there. The platform is flexible and easy to use, meaning that you can customize your trading strategy as well.

TrendSpider has an advanced automatic technical machine algorithm that is specially built for traders and investors.

The algorithm has a special interface by enabling the historical market data trend to be properly scanned to present users with the best possible trend in the forex market.

Once this data trend has been properly scanned, it will automatically be transferred to you as the trader for you to use the information and make profits.

Another special feature you can find in TrendSpider is the use of Trading Bots, which help to carry out any task possible and enable you to perfect your trading strategy. It’s easy to use, meaning that you can customize your Trading Bots to match your strategy.


Algoriz is another cool AI trading platform you can consider as well. It supports Bitcoin, Ethereum, and lots of other digital coins.

I know most people that don’t know system programming always have issues with trading, especially when they’re not fully trained and equipped on the process. But with Algoriz, you don’t need to be good with programming before you can use it.

Since it supports more than 10, 000 different tested Algoriz, it provides users with a simulated matching engine that practically crosschecks different algorithms.

Another thing about this platform is that it makes use of a swift interface that links your database to different data vendors.

In addition to that, you can be able to connect your broker account to Algoriz and have it automate your trading algorithms. With this, you can either decide to broker data by yourself or you can seek help from Algoriz’s vendor data.


Another one on my list is Scanz. This trading platform is specially built for traders and can send real-time trade opportunities at will.

Scanz uses a robust software interface that enables it to scan through the entire stock market and identify active stocks making moves in the pre-market, which it does steadily from 5 am to 8 pm EST.

If you’re a news trader, Scanz is possibly the best AI trading platform for you. It’s powered by over 100 news sources, financial blogs, and press releases while making sure that it stays on track with real-time market-moving events. This is done through the use of its News Scanner, which has an ultra-power that sorts and filters out these functionalities.

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Given the fact that crypto trading involves total focus (meaning that you have to be steady on facing your laptop), it comes with time constraints to do other things.

I know most of us, who lil to be a jack of all trades, do one thing and still look for another. Surely, there’ll be no time to be focused only on crypt trading.

Now, you’ll have the opportunity to just put up your investment and allow robots to do the trading for you while you await your returns. With this, there won’t be a need for you to continue scratching your head on daily trading when you know there’s a technology out there running the stuff for you.


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