Nigeria is a country full of different religious worship. Despite the difference diversity of religion in Nigeria, Christianity and Islam are being know as the populated religion.
There are numerous other religious communities that are often unnoticed. One of the unnoticed religious communities are the Igbo Muslims. They’re also proudly embraced their Islamic faith despite their igbo heritage.
In her words she wrote;
“Believe it or not, we igbo Muslims Exist and yes we are Proud Of Our Religion and tribe Alhamdulillah.”
In the viral video circulating on social media, the beautiful young igbo lady shared her journey as an Igbo Muslim. She was born into an igbo family with a rich cultural heritage, she also revealed how her parents embraced Islam even before her birth, and subsequently raised her in accordance with Islamic teachings.
With deep feelings and a profound sense of identity, she revealed herself as an igbo Muslim, deepening that her faith and culture are not collectively exclusive, but rather sympathetic intertwined.
See her post

According to some followers on her page, the video serves as a step-up to promote religious freedom and understanding in Nigeria. They also commented that that it is important to embrace diversity and show respect to individual choices when it comes to matter of faith.