How to Unlock Moniepoint Pos Machine


Your MoniePoint POS machine holds the key to streamlined transactions, but what if you find yourself locked out? Fear not, as MoniePoint provides a simple solution to regain access by resetting your transaction PIN.

Whether you prefer the desktop convenience of the MoniePoint dashboard or the on-the-go flexibility of the mobile app, here’s a step-by-step guide to unlocking your MoniePoint POS machine.

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How to Unlock Moniepoint Pos Machine

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How To Get Moniepoint Pos Machine

Resetting Transaction PIN through MoniePoint Dashboard:

  1. Log in to Your MoniePoint Dashboard:
    • Navigate to the MoniePoint dashboard and log in using your credentials.
  2. Access Security Settings:
    • Click on Settings > Security > Reset Transaction PIN.
  3. Verify Your Identity:
    • Enter your MoniePoint online password as a security measure.
  4. Choose a New PIN:
    • Input your desired new PIN and confirm it to ensure accuracy.
  5. Submission:
    • Click on Submit to finalize the process.

Resetting Transaction PIN through MoniePoint Mobile App:

  1. Open the MoniePoint Mobile App:
    • Launch the MoniePoint mobile app and log in to your account.
  2. Access Settings:
    • Tap on the Menu icon (three horizontal lines) in the top left corner. Select Settings > Security > Reset Transaction PIN.
  3. Verify Your Identity:
    • Enter your MoniePoint online password for authentication.
  4. Choose a New PIN:
    • Input your desired new PIN and confirm it accurately.
  5. Submission:
    • Tap on Submit to complete the process.

Additional Tips for Unlocking Your MoniePoint POS Machine:

  1. Correct Password Usage:
    • Ensure that you input the correct MoniePoint online password. Double-check for accuracy.
  2. Precision in PIN Entry:
    • Enter your new PIN with care, and confirm it accurately to avoid errors.
  3. Contact Customer Support if Needed:
    • If despite your efforts, unlocking your POS machine proves challenging, reach out to MoniePoint customer support for assistance.

What to do when your Moniepoint account is restricted?

If you find that your MoniePoint account is restricted, resolving the issue promptly is crucial for uninterrupted access to the platform’s services.

Account restrictions can occur for various reasons, including suspected fraudulent activity, failure to comply with MoniePoint’s terms and conditions, or an outstanding balance on your account.

To navigate this situation, follow these steps:

Resolving a Restricted MoniePoint Account:

Resolving a Restricted MoniePoint Account
Contact MoniePoint Customer Support
Description: Reach out to MoniePoint customer support through phone, email, or live chat.
Explain the Account Restriction
Description: Clearly communicate to the support team that your account is restricted and provide the necessary information to support your case.
Cooperate with Investigation
Description: Collaborate with MoniePoint’s investigation process, offering any additional information or documentation requested by the support team.
Await Resolution
Description: Understand that the resolution process may take some time, especially if fraudulent activity is suspected. Be patient as MoniePoint thoroughly investigates the matter.
Lifted Restriction
Description: Once the issue is resolved, MoniePoint will lift the restriction on your account, restoring full access to its services.
How to Unlock Moniepoint Pos Machine
  1. Contact MoniePoint Customer Support:
    • Reach out to MoniePoint customer support through phone, email, or live chat.
  2. Explain the Account Restriction:
    • Clearly communicate to the support team that your account is restricted and provide the necessary information to support your case.
  3. Cooperate with Investigation:
    • Collaborate with MoniePoint’s investigation process, offering any additional information or documentation requested by the support team.
  4. Await Resolution:
    • Understand that the resolution process may take some time, especially if fraudulent activity is suspected. Be patient as MoniePoint thoroughly investigates the matter.
  5. Lifted Restriction:
    • Once the issue is resolved, MoniePoint will lift the restriction on your account, restoring full access to its services.

Tips to Avoid Account Restrictions:

  1. Secure Account Information:
    • Safeguard your MoniePoint account information to prevent unauthorized access.
  2. Protect Transaction PIN:
    • Refrain from sharing your MoniePoint transaction PIN with anyone to maintain account security.
  3. Exercise Caution in Transactions:
    • Be vigilant when processing transactions. Avoid suspicious or unusual transactions to prevent potential issues.
  4. Adherence to Terms and Conditions:
    • Ensure compliance with MoniePoint’s terms and conditions to maintain a positive account status.
  5. Maintain Current Account Balance:
    • Keep your account balance up to date to avoid issues related to outstanding balances.
How to Unlock Moniepoint Pos Machine


With the ability to reset your transaction PIN through the MoniePoint dashboard or mobile app, unlocking your POS machine is a straightforward process.

Whether you prefer the convenience of a desktop or the flexibility of a mobile solution, MoniePoint ensures you have the tools at your fingertips.

Remember to adhere to password accuracy and precision in PIN entry.

If hurdles persist, MoniePoint’s customer support stands ready to assist.

Regain control, unlock possibilities, and resume seamless transactions with your MoniePoint POS machine.


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