20 Best Business Ideas From Home You Can Set Up


There’s nothing sweeter than having a convenient business where you get the chance to operate conveniently anywhere you are.

Technological advancement in the modern world has transformed the way things are done. So you don’t need to own a shop before you can do your business.

So I’ll be giving you an insight on the 20 best business ideas from home which you can do anywhere you are…

What makes these business ideas from home so cool is that most of them don’t require any capital to start up.

So for those of you wondering how to get started because of capital, you have nothing to worry about.

As long as you have the required skills to do any of the jobs, you’re surely good to go. And probably if you can’t do any, there’s still an opportunity for you to learn and earn a good income for yourself.

Let’s take for instance, I’ve seen lots of women being subjected to being housewives because their husbands don’t want them to work. The reason might be for a good one, but I know that most of these ladies have something to offer, but are made to play second-fiddle in all things.

Well, I want to let you know that there’s still something you can do even while at home. Even if you’re meant to take care of the babies at home, you’ll still have a little time for yourself to do a couple of profitable tasks. You should know that currently, women are always trying to be supportive in one way or the other.

I assure you that investing your time in any of the best business ideas which I’m about to draft out for you is the real deal. And trust me, you’re not gonna feel lonely at home.

Well, apart from ladies and married women, these best business ideas are suitable for youths, especially those who are trying to build themselves with limited capital, or who might be engaged with studies but looking for something they can do in their free time at their place to earn income, then these best business ideas from home are the perfect fit that you need to explore.

What are the Best Business Ideas From Home You Can Actually Do?

If you’ve been wondering what you can do while at home, don’t worry I got about 20 best business ideas from home just right for you, and they’re as follows:

  1. Content Writing
  2. eBooks Writing
  3. Proofreading
  4. Online Affiliate Marketing
  5. Blogging
  6. Vlogging
  7. Web Design
  8. App Design
  9. Social Media Influencing
  10. VTU Business
  11. Cryptocurency Trade
  12. Forex Trade
  13. Social Media Management
  14. Online Art/Photo Sales
  15. Run eCommerce Marketplace
  16. Create Websites and Sell
  17. Build Niche Sites and Sell
  18. Online Fitness Training
  19. Podcasting
  20. Dropshipping

Content writing

Now, this is one of the best business ideas from home which is quite profitable.

As long as you’re technically a good writer, you stand a chance of making cool cash for yourself.

Here, there are different kinds of options for you; you can decide to open a blog and start writing articles, or you can sign up as a freelancer to write for people and top local and foreign companies.

Although, if you don’t know how to but are willing to, there are professional online trainers available for you on YouTube and other channels where you can learn how to be a professional writer.

I’ll recommend you to popular freelancing sites like Fiverr, Upwork, and Freelancer, where you can sign up and get started. There’s also a tutorial where you can sign up and learn how to perfect your writing skill.

Best business ideas from home

eBooks Writing

You can decide to start writing eBooks if you’re not ready to start creating books and bother about bookshops. And the fact that it’s something you want to be doing online at home is the reason why I recommend it to you.

You can decide to start writing anything; motivational books, educational books, novels, stories, etc. Unlike the usual physical book writing where you’re selling physical books for people, this one requires you to sell online.

There are different online platforms such as Amazon, Nairabookstore, and several others, where you can be able to sell your eBooks online. They buy your eBooks, sell for you, you get your cash and they get their commission. It’s as simple as that.

If you feel like you don’t want to use the online bookstores, you can be selling online via your social media handles, as long as you have people who are willing to buy your online books.

Best business ideas from home


Proofreading is another cool online business that’s been on the internet market not long enough. It has to do with you going through books for people, editing, and making necessary corrections.

All you have to do is to apply the active sentence-correcting and grammar-checking apps to help you with it. Put paragraphs where they are supposed to be. Just edit and arrange the book to look more readable. By so doing, you get paid for a good job.

There are lots of people out there, mostly foreigners who you’ll meet online, and some companies as well who’ll have already-written full books waiting for them to be published.

So, given the limited time they have with lots of other tasks they have at hand, they do seek proofreaders who’ll help them go through the books, edit, and make necessary corrections so they can be in good shape for publishing.

You get paid in foreign currencies just for doing this job, and it’s something you can just sit at home and do.

Worried about getting clients? You can sign up on Fiverr, Upwork, and Freelancer, so you can see lots of clients seeking your service.

Best business ideas from home

Online Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing has been like a go-getter in the internet market for both Nigerians and foreigners.

Given the limited source of capital for most people to start running their own e-commerce business, they partner with companies and help publicize and market their products online.

It’s a very profitable business cos you get paid a commission for your service.

Due to differences in brands, there are different kinds of affiliate marketing. But depending on what you’re marketing, you’ll have the chance to earn more profit through a change of price, that’s if you’re able to influence the price effectively.

Best business ideas from home


Blogging is an old-time internet business that I’m sure you must be aware of. It’s been on the cards for some time now with millions of users having online blogs around the world.

So, if you’re up-to-date in a series of events like sports, politics, gist, entertainment news, etc., and know what it takes to construct good writing, then you need to create a blog site.

Once you get approval from Google, by offering you what is called “AdSense”, you’ll start making your cool money while at home.

Blogging is one of the oldest and profitable best business ideas from home for anyone


This is more like creating blogs, but the difference is that Vlog deals with video content.

Let’s say you have what it takes to create good video content, get your fans and audience engaged, and then you can create a Vlog site.

Take, for instance, YouTube channels can be classified as Vlogging. You can create a YouTube channel for instance, and start teaching people how to do some stuff, maybe how to fix a decoder cable. It’s a good business idea.

Vlog is currently on top of our list as one of the best business ideas from home

Web Design

Some people are very good at web design but they’re not getting enough clients for it.

I can tell you that web designers are one of the most in-demand freelancers, most especially from foreign companies.

It’s a very good freelancing business where you’ll stand a chance of getting lots of offers from multiple clients to design a website for them.

Not only that, with lots of people now trooping the internet, seeking to own a website or blog site, this is an opportunity for you to make a good fortune for carrying out such tasks.

Just like I’ve said before, freelance platforms like Fiverr, Upwork, and Freelancer have millions of clients looking for web designers.

I’m sure that there are still local companies also demanding web designers to help them with such tasks.

If you don’t know how to do it, there’s online training for web design, but you have to pay to learn effectively.

Best business ideas from home

App Design

Just like web design, you can also learn app design and start creating applications for top companies and individuals who want to launch a new app.

Why this job is top-notch is that millions of companies are yet to launch their official apps. And even if they have their websites, there’s still a need for them to launch an app for their platform.

So, you see, you stand a chance of making a living from this business cos the demand for it is also at a high rate.

If you know how to create web designs, I believe learning app design wouldn’t be hard either.

Best business ideas from home

Social Media Influencing

Social media influencing has become very popular across the globe, with lots of influencers signing up on a daily.

If you’re good with social displays and creating videos like comedy skits and dances for fans and audiences online, then you’re on the right path.

Mind you, you can take it further by using your pets for instance to create skits, as long as the videos will be interesting and fun.

All you need is to monetize your social account, Tiktok, YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, etc. Display your acting or comedy talents online, entertain people, and get paid for it.

Best business ideas from home

Product Reviews

Another cool way to make money online at the comfort of your home is through writing good reviews for top companies, especially the eCommerce ones.

So as you know, there are lots of customers or clients who always comment badly on these platforms’ pages, so your job is to write good comments for potential customers/clients to see.

But before you start running this business, you’ll need to register and partner with any of the platforms.

Best business ideas from home

Cryptocurrency Trading

Crypto is not new to the world. I tell you, with the way digital currencies are pushing ahead to take over the world’s financial transactions, this is surely a +1 for all crypto traders.

I’m not a crypto trader but I have a slight knowledge of it, I got friends that are into it and I know the huge sum they make from the trade.

If want to start a crypto trade, you need to learn everything about it effectively and meet people that can teach you how to become a pro in it.

Surely, it’s not something you have to step outside for cos you can do it in your home. But mind you, you need to trade wisely.

crypto trading is currently popular in the online market, and one of the best business ideas from home

Forex Trading

Just like cryptocurrency, it involves an online investment, but it’s different. Many people have been mistaken for forex to crypto. When I didn’t know the two, I too thought they were the same.

Cryptocurrency has to do with trading on a decentralized digital currency, while forex trade involves trading on foreign currencies. The two are a bit similar cos they both involve online trading and investment.

Just like crypto, you can as well learn how to trade on forex and become a pro. Trade wisely and make huge profits from it.

Forex Trading, just like Crypto, is lucrative and one of the best business ideas from home

Social Media Management

Most of you might not have this idea, probably maybe because it’s not that compared compare to the rest I’ve mentioned here, but I want to let you know that being a social media manager is a mind-blowing home business idea.

All you got to do is manage the social accounts of busy political figures or top business persons, celebrities or companies Create good posts for them, reply to comments, etc. You get paid as you do so.

These kinds of personalities and companies are so engaged that they barely have time for social media, but given the fact that they need to be socially active online, their only option is always to look for managers of their accounts.

Some people don’t get lucky in this kind of business because of a lack of contacts. Cos, unlike the rest, this one requires you to be connected with people or companies willing to make you their social media manager.

Best business ideas from home

Sell Your Arts Online

I know most of you might be scratching your head on this one and wondering how.

If you’re into photography, drawing, or painting, you know you can make money from it simply by selling your artwork online.

Now how do you go about this? Now, let’s take, for instance, if you’re into drawing or painting, you can draw things, draw top personalities, and do some cool paintings, once you have everything well set and ready to start, you can create your art shopping platform where people can order for your work online.

Some people like to have things like this and I’m pretty sure you can make some cool cash from it. And the most interesting part is that you can stay at your comfortable home and do the drawing and painting.

Best business ideas from home

Online Photo Sales

If you’re good in taking pictures, then you can hop in for this business.

All you need is to to pictures of good places like for valleys, hills, natural habitats, mountains, etc., and then sell them online to online platforms that are in need of them to create their stories.

You can as well post on your social media handle for people to see and order as well.

Best business ideas from home

Run an e-Commerce Marketplace

Another good home business idea is creating an eCommerce marketplace.

Note that this is different from selling on a marketplace, but rather people market their products through your eCommerce marketplace website.

All they have to do is register on your platform to get permission to advertise their products online, then you’ll be getting a certain percentage (like commission) on any profit they make, depending on your agreement with them.

eCommerce is one of the best business ideas from home and anywhere you are

Create Niche Websites and Sell

Niche has to do with a website that targets a specific audience or a specific interest.

For instance, a niche website can be the type that targets football updates or can be travel, health, food, etc.

You can start creating niche sites and selling to the right targets.

Now, the difference between this and creating general blog sites is that the site already has a target audience as the case may be, but blog sites do not unless you build that target audience by yourself.

Most people now go for niche sites instead of trying to build that particular target audience by themselves.

To create a perfect niche, you need to choose the right keyword and build the site, you can decide to sell it off to the highest bidders or you can keep them.

How to create a niche website
How to sell your website

Online Fitness Training

Another business you can do while at home is setting up a fitness training online. You don’t necessarily have to meet people online before you can give them fitness exercises and yoga.

Mind you, there are fitness apps out there that guide people on fitness training, so it doesn’t have to be physical contact.

As you do this, you get paid by those people. And not only that, you can stream your fitness sessions live and post on your social handle and make extra money for yourself.

Best business ideas from home


I’ll have to add podcasting to my list. I know it’s not something people fancy but it can be quite interesting to some people.

I’ve seen podcasters and I’ve watched movies that podcasters so I know how profitable it is. It’s a convenient business which you can do at home or any place.

You can start your online radio shows and have audiences and fans troop into your channel for views on the topic of the day.

Some platforms equally host online shows, such as iTunes, Soundcloud, and the rest of them. And also, with radio coming into the internet, there’s been an opportunity to host your podcast shows as well.

So, you get the chance of registering your channel online, get more views and encourage your audience to leave good reviews of your channel.

If you can be good at it, all you need is a good microphone, audio recording software, and call recording software.

Best business ideas from home


This is another lucrative online business you can do from home. Dropshipping involves partnering with top eCommerce brands, by getting goods from them and selling to your customers.

Dropshipping is just like buying in retail, but only when a customer needs them. You’re not buying to store, but rather you’re purchasing on order.

There are top dropshipping suppliers like Amazon, Alibaba, Aliexpress, Jumia, etc., for you to partner and start dropshipping business.

Checkout how to start online dropshipping business and the 10 best suppliers here


As you can see, all the 20 best business ideas from home which I’ve highlighted here are all online activities, which require a mobile device or laptop, and then an internet connection.

So, I want to let you know that there’s no online activity that’s a waste of time, it depends on how you use your online presence.

Most of you already have some of these accounts, but maybe because you’ve not monetized them, you still understand how you can use them to earn income.

I know that you might not still be aware that this online stuff can be turned into a business and be profitable.

But just as you’ve finally realized, you need to choose anyone that you think will benefit you if you want to work from home.

There are no better business ideas can get other than what I’ve listed and explained to you above.


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